Edible Plant Recipes:


If you have yet to find plants to harvest from visit our Map. Please remember to respect the plants you choose to harvest from. We want to make sure everyone gets equal opportunity to enjoy natures' bounty, so please DO NOT cause any damage to the plants you are harvesting from. ONLY pick what you are going to eat. Trees and shrubs work very hard to produce the food you are going to enjoy, so let's not waste it!

Are you done harvesting? Maybe you're looking for inspiration? Below we have linked recipes for each species! Feel free to click the links below to discover new ways to enjoy your harvested fruits and plants!

Please rememeber that you should ONLY be harvesting from PUBLIC property. Please respect others who may be harvesting and most importanly, HAVE FUN! Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and learn about the plants you are harvesting from. (Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels)

Edible Plants A-Z
CLICK a species below for recipes